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December 19th Newsletter | Making Big Oil Pay

Submitted by Lisa.Gerlach@v… on

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We have just witnessed the warmest December 18th on record with huge amounts of rain and snowmelt causing flooding in Vermont yet again. We saw the devastating effects of climate change this summer when our second "once-in-a-lifetime" flood in the past twelve years destroyed communities, wiped out houses and washed away business up and down the state. We feel it in our bones and are experiencing the changes: shorter winters, less snow, later fall foliage, earlier maple tapping seasons, and, of course, more rain. As the effects of climate change increase rapidly with each passing year, the urgency to take action to mitigate harm becomes more and more intense. 


If you are interested in tackling the climate challenges we are facing, you can join the Make Big Oil Pay campaign and urge your legislator to co-sponsor the Climate Change Superfund Act TODAY. Make Big Oil Pay is a campaign that aims to hold big oil companies accountable for their role in perpetuating the climate crisis. There is a strong coalition working with legislators to introduce and pass legislation this year. Rep. Martin Lalonde is planning to introduce legislation and is hoping to have many legislators co-sponsor the bill, but the deadline for co-sponsors is tomorrow! You can read this article to learn more about the Climate Change Superfund Act and learn more about the Make Big Oil Pay campaign here. 


If you want to hold Big Oil companies accountable, please contact your legislator as soon as possible and ask them to co-sponsor the legislation. Personal contacts are the most effective. You can send an email through this website, OR if you have time, you can call your legislator to ask them personally to co-sponsor this legislation. This bill would require big, very profitable oil companies to fund efforts in Vermont to tackle the impacts of climate change.  


Thank you for using your voice to create a better future for everyone. 


Lt. Governor David Zuckerman