Every other Thursday from 9:00 am- 10:00 am during the Legislative Session, Lt. Governor Rodgers will be hosting "Coffee with Constituents" in his office. This is a free, open door office hours event with complimentary coffee and tea. Vermonters are encouraged to stop by to meet with the Lt. Governor, hear about what is happening in the State House, and ask any questions they may have.
Can't make it but have questions for the Lt. Governor's office? Email ltg.info@vermont.gov or call (802)828-2226
Schedule for 2025
Thursday, January 30th, 9:00 am- 10:00 am
Thursday, February 13th, 8:30 am- 10:00 am
Thursday, February 27th, 8:30 am- 10:00 am
Thursday, March 13th, 8:30 am- 10:00 am
Thursday, March 27th, 8:30 am- 10:00 am
Thursday, April 10th, 8:30 am- 10:00 am
Thursday, April 24th, 8:30 am- 10:00 am
Thursday, May 8th, 8:30 am- 10:00 am